Dress Code
See: Student Conduct and Discipline Code – Student Dress – File JICA Pg. 26
When student dress or hair distracts teachers and students from the instructional and educational process or poses a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of other students or any other person, the unnecessary attention becomes a disruption subject to this dress policy.
One step toward creating a safer, more peaceful campus is to enforce behavior and dress codes consistently and fairly. Most importantly, this policy offers students and parents the opportunity to keep school attire simple and inexpensive. Students should take personal and social pride in keeping their school free from disruptive disorder. Students shall display a cooperative and respectful attitude toward other students and teachers at all times and shall meet the expectation guidelines for school attire.
Risley dress code policy:
Risley Uniform Policy
Uniform tops consist of:
Risley Spirit shirts
Solid red or black polo shirts
Cold Weather Wear
Sweatshirts or ¾ Zip Pull-Overs: Solid red or black with or without Risley logo
Cardigans or Risley zip-up jackets (without hood) worn with a proper uniform shirt
Solid black, red, or white long sleeved shirt worn under a proper uniform top
Hoodies – Will NOT be allowed at school at any time!!
Uniform bottoms consist of:
Black, khaki, red, white, grey and/or denim without holes above the knee
Royal blue clothing and accessories are not allowed.
All student clothing, shoes, and accessories must adhere to the Pueblo School District 60 Dress Code Policy.
Dress Code Infractions
All infractions are recorded in the office and are cumulative each quarter. Students who fail to follow the school uniform policy are subject to the following consequences:
Phone Call Home - After the third time an item is loaned, a phone call home is made to discuss the concern and offer support with families. Once the problem has been resolved (For example, the family confirms the student does own proper uniforms, the support of Operation School Bell, SunWest, item given, etc) any future uniform violations will result in lunch detention.
Continued infractions will result in greater consequences such as formal referrals and loss of privileges.
Students who are not in proper uniform may not be able to participate in school events such as assemblies, Exploratory Days, etc.
Secret Societies/Gang Activity
Risley follows the board policy which prohibits any apparel, jewelry, accessories, notebook, or manner of grooming (shaving eyebrows) which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute denotes membership in gangs.